Deer Resistant Plants To Grow In Your Yard
I have been gardening while deer watch for a lot of years and there are plants the deer clearly love to eat and plants they prefer to avoid. The young fawns are still learning what to dislike so they are less predictable in the garden for sure.
Here is the list of Ken's Favourites:
- Lavender
- Russian Sage (Ken likes ‘Little Spire’)
- Helabore
- Boxwood
- Rose Glow Barberry
- Achilea ‘Moonshine’
- Butterfly Bush
- Artimesia schmidtiana
- Brunnera
- Shasta Daisy Ken likes Becky
- Juniper in general (Spartan in particular)
- Snap Dragon
- Lace Leaf Maple
- Sage
- Crocossmia
- Coleus
- Osteospermum
- Genista
- Leyland Cypress
- Hydrangea serrata ‘Blue Bird’
- Narcissus family
- Zinnias
- Alliums d
- Digitalis
- Artimesia tridentata
- Rabbit Brush
- Poppys
- Iris
- Penstemon
- Gladioli
- Lilac