Plant of the Week for the week of July 23rd is the Lily of the Nile
Plant of the Week for the week of July 23rd is the Lily of the Nile. The Agapanthus africanus (also known as the African Lily or Lily of the Nile) is one of the most exotic patio plants available. It comes in several colours and sizes. Mine are the regular size varieties but the dwarf ones fit more easily on a deck where room is an issue. These Plants bloom mainly from the end of June to about Mid August and are quite the show. The plants seem to prefer hot sunny locations with regular water when in bloom. I move them into my garage for the winter and they stay evergreen and the lower leaves turn dark yellow, but they survive with cool to cold temperatures and no water all winter. I Will be dividing my 3 large Agapanthus this fall and will be starting next year with new rejuvenated plants. Enjoy your summer! Ken Salvail